With a passion for creativity and a vision for a more compassionate world, Kate has transformed programs and organizations into thriving and relevant entities. Most non-profit organizations and institutions are doing extraordinary works for their community and humanity but, too often, they are strapped for resources and get trapped in the cycle of providing services for people in need without the ability to share their message with people who can help fund them.
With 20 years of experience in the fundraising world, Kate has mastered the ability to help organizations think creatively about who they are and share their message in the most relevant and engaging way to help donors realize their mission is irresistible.
Kate’s mission is to help you advance your mission. She and her team will work with your staff, board and dedicated volunteers to teach them how to share your mission like true fundraising professionals. From mission based strategic planning, and education/training in major gifts, to creating engaging and relevant events, need based auctions, and so much more. Kate will leave your team with the confidence and skills to raise more friends and funds than you ever could have imagined.